2024 Southwest Regional Award Nominations

Nominator must be an individual member of NAFWS or a Tribal employee of a NAFWS member Tribe.


Southwest Leadership Award

A director, program manager, manager, and/or department head who has dedicated their career to the wildlife, fisheries, law enforcement and overall natural resource for their respective tribe/nation, being not only their tribe/nation, but all tribes in the Southwest. Being a voice for all wildlife, fish, habitat and conservation, and incorporating their respective traditional indigenous knowledge in the management of natural resources of their tribe/nation.

Southwest Region Biologist of the Year Award

Fish or Wildlife biologist of a tribe/nation who has excelled and enhanced their tribal/nation management and/or developed specific management goals.

Southwest Region Technician of the Year Award

Fish/Wildlife Technician or any NR technician who has gone beyond their position to enhance, develop and provide dedication to their respective tribal/nation wildlife/fisheries/natural resources program/department, and/or conducted a specific goal/objective for their program/department.

Southwest Region CLEO of the Year

Awarded to a CLEO who has excelled and gone above their duties, performed and complete tasks which highlighted their department and/or completed an investigation which helped their tribe/nation, and/or otherwise had an exceptional activity which helped their tribe/nation.

Southwest Region Administrative Staff of the Year Award

Awarded to the backbone of our respective departments/programs, the administrative folks who keep our programs/departments running smoothly, and in operations, and has performed beyond their duties.

Southwest Region Emerging Professional of the Year Award

Awarded to a new biologist/NR staff who may have started with a Tribe and has been noticed as an outstanding, exceptional staff who has great potential and/or has performed, implemented, and/or completed a project for their respective tribal/nation program/department.


You can submit nomination letter here, or upload a letter below.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.