Applying the NEPA Process- Native American Tribal Concerns and Participation
Co-hosted by:
The Native American Fish and Wildlife Society,
in coordination with
Shipley Training Group
The Native American Fish & Wildlife Society (NAFWS) is pleased to announce a webinar training on applying the NEPA process through Shipley Training Group on May 7-9, 2024 at 9am MDT. This training is open to a total of 20 participants. Attendance will be based on those individuals who are registered first, two participants per member tribe. Applying the NEPA Process—Native American Tribal Concerns and Participation: The course will review the following documents for compliance with NEPA, CEQ regulations, and federal agencies’ implementing procedures (with an emphasis on the BIA NEPA regulations): Categorical Exclusions; Environmental Assessments/Findings of No Significant Impacts; and Environmental Impact Statements/Records of Decisions. As part of the course participants will review an EA for compliance and clarity of information. As part of this exercise participants will identify what information is sufficient, what information is missing, and what information is extraneous. As well as what advice would they give for improving the document by redrafting it. The course will also discuss scoping and public involvement requirements associated with tribal treaty rights, self-government (government-to-government consultation requirements), and BIA requirements for tribal involvement.
Course Registration:
NAFWS members or Member Tribes: There will be no registration costs for NAFWS members or member Tribes. You must log in to access the member price.
NAFWS Non-member: If you are not a member or from a non-member Tribe, the cost of this course is $150.
To register: Please include name, title, phone, email address, and tribal affiliation when registering. Only two participants from a member tribe will be able to enroll unless extra slots are available. If you would like to be considered for an extra slot please join the waiting list here.
For More Information
For assistance, please contact Sean Cross. Contact Us.