Laws and Regulations

Laws and Regulations

Useful Links for Tribes

  • National Tribal Emergency Management Council
    The NTEMC is a new organization bringing tribal emergency management organizations from around the Nation  together to share information and best practices and to discuss public safety/homeland security issues affecting those in Indian Country.

    To better facilitate this purpose, NTEMC is organized into 10 Regions, based on the FEMA system of 10 Regions. Unfortunately Tribal lands do not fit neatly into the FEMA regions map.  Some tribal lands are located in 3 FEMA regions! But for now, as we began this process, we hope this structure will work best.

    contact us: [email protected]

  • Native American Rights Fund
    The oldest and largest nonprofit law firm dedicated to asserting and defending the rights of Indian tribes, organizations and individuals nationwide…
  • Navajo Nation Department of Fish and Wildlife
    Conserve, protect, enhance, and restore the Navajo Nation’s fish, wildlife, and plants through aggressive management programs for the spiritual, cultural, and material benefit of present and future generations of the Navajo Nation.
  • Southern Ute Indian Tribe, Natural Resources Department
    The Department of Natural Resources is responsible for developing, administering, managing and protecting the natural resources of the Southern Ute Indian Reservation for the benefit of the Tribe and present and future generations of Tribal Members
  • Hualapai Tribe of Natural Resources
    Our mission is to conserve, protect and enhance the natural resources of the Hualapai Reservation while providing for multiple consumptive and non-consumptive uses, and ensuring the overall goal of long-term sustainable and balanced multiple uses of natural resources under the direction of the Hualapai Tribal Council.