Alaska Summer Youth Practicum

The Summer Youth Practicum (SYP) is designed to provide Native American students (incoming 10th – 12th grade) an opportunity to gain hands-on and in-lecture experience in the interdisciplinary components of natural resource management and Indigenous knowledge. One of the goals of the NAFWS is to educate Native American youth to understand the importance of professional natural resource management and the interconnectedness to culture, as well encourage them to continue their education and pursue careers in the natural resource fields.

Great times at the Alaska SYP

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers: Alaska SYP

If the student is graduating from 12th grade in May/Spring 2025, are they eligible to apply? 

  • If the graduating senior is still under the age of 18 by July 21, 2025, yes they can apply.
  • If the graduating senior (May/Spring 2024) is 18 years old or older before July 21, 2025, they are not eligible.

Tribally enrolled students are eligible to apply, how about descendants? 

  • Yes, student’s that are descendants may apply. In addition, we recommend/suggest that if students are descendants and want to ever claim “Indian Preference” on future college scholarships, jobs, completing the BIA Form 4432 is necessary and would be helpful. The BIA Form 4432 requires certain signatures, so ensure that allocate adequate time to complete.

How are students selected to attend the Alaska SYP? 

  • Student applications are reviewed by the Alaska SYP review committee. Reviewing applications take time due to carefully assessing student’s creative submissions and to ensure that all prompts are addressed.

What travel is covered for the student attending the Alaska SYP?  

  • We cover the student’s airfare from their home to Anchorage, AK. We provide food and lodging for the duration of the program from lunch on July 16  to breakfast on July 21, 2025.

Do you fund a chaperone’s travel to travel and attend with the student?

  • Currently, we do not. Last years Alaska SYP program, we did not have chaperones attend and travel with the student. Students have been traveling on their own to the Alaska SYP – we do provide a Flight Guide to aid in student’s travel, hold a parent/student meeting prior to travel to go over logistics/questions, we pick up the students at the airport, and we provide all of our contact information so we stay in contact through the student travel process.
  • For student’s flying for the first time, we encourage parents/guardians to walk them through the airport process, review the Flight Guide together, and if possible, take the student to the airport prior to travel to walk them through how the airport process works/flows.
    • If a parent/guardian is interested and concerned about their students safety through the airport, at the time of 2024 Alaska SYP acceptance and travel arrangements, we will purchase the gateway pass through the airline so that parent/guardian can walk with their student to their airline gate.

Do you have applications to be a chaperone for the Alaska SYP?

  • No, we do not have applications for chaperones or mentors, we utilize NAFWS staff, interns, members and partners to serve as chaperones for the Alaska SYP.

Do you pay for the student’s luggage? 

At the time of travel, we do not pay or provide funding for the student’s checked luggage for their airfare. However, after the Alaska SYP, we allow the student/parent or guardian to submit a Luggage Reimbursement Form (attached with luggage receipts), then we send a check for luggage reimbursement for 1 checked bag round trip ONLY, we do not cover overweight luggage or 2nd checked luggage.

What airport do the student’s fly into?

Student’s fly into Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport, where they will meet with NAFWS staff to be picked up and transported to the Alaska Pacific University Campus.

What if we (parent/guardian) want to drive our student to the Alaska Pacific University to drop off  before the program and pick up after the program?

You can decide to drive to the Alaska Pacific University to drop off your student, and pick up your student in Anchorage, AK; however, we will have to do a price comparison for the travel costs, to abide by our NAFWS Travel Policy. This means that if driving costs more than a roundtrip airfare, the NAFWS will cover the roundtrip airfare costs. In other words, the NAFWS will cover the most cost-efficient mode of travel.

I have two students that want to attend together, do they submit 1 application or would they both need to submit an application?

There should be 1 application submitted per student, even if the student’s are siblings. Also, note that there is no guarantee that students that want to or plan to attend as a group or together, will all be accepted. This allows space and diversity for other student’s who may be applying on their own.

More information about our Scholarships & Internships

 If you are interested or would like to share this opportunity, please click for the application by clicking the link below.