Fisheries & Aquatic Working Group

Join our new Fisheries & Aquatic Working Group!

The NAFWS tribal Fisheries & Aquatic working group will provide tribal fisheries and aquatics managers the opportunity to share projects, highlight successes and discuss issues hindering management. The working group is a tribal only forum to allow for open discussion.


This working group is a space to bring together representatives from different Tribal Communities to collaborate on conservation efforts for fisheries and aquatic species. This group aims to share knowledge, discuss conservations strategies, and work towards preserving these species and their habitats within tribal lands.


July 11, August 8, October 3, and December 12


Fisheries & Aquatic Working Group Sign-up Form

Ungulate Working Group

Reptile & Amphibian Working Group

Wolf Working Group

Wildlife Corridors Working Group

Keep Me Informed on Future Projects

In Recognition of Their Support

The Native American Fish and Wildlife Society would like to thank those organizations that provided us with support over the years. With them we grew an effective national communications network for the exchange of information and management techniques related to self-determined tribal fish and wildlife management.

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